Common answers to your common questions

How do I register for the All in for Autism 2021 Virtual Run/Walk?

We will provide a registration link shortly here on our website. You will have the option of signing up as an individual, forming a team or joining a team. You will be guided through the registration pages. Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with your receipt. If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation, please contact info@allinforautism.org to verify that your registration is complete.

How do I become a sponsor?

Email our sponsorship coordinator for more information.

Can a friend or family member pick up my packet for me?

Yes, you can have someone else pick up your packet. All we ask is that runners make sure they know who is picking up what, so someone doesn’t show up not knowing where their packet is.

How can I confirm my registration?

You can confirm if you are registered here.

Have your confirmation email resent here.

Where do I pick up my shirt and tote bag?

You can pick up your shirt on the Saturday before the race between 10:00am and 5pm next to Escape Outdoors at Bellevue Square in downtown Bellevue.

Can I get a map of the course?

Yes! Course maps are available for download near the bottom of every page of the site.


Grab a map of the courses

Maps of the course are here!

5K course
Easy sign-up
Something for everyone
Remember the day


Our beneficiaries

Your dollars go to support these and other deserving beneficiaries.

Join us. Register now.

Come join us, have some fun, and support kids while you're doing it.